Socialists of Caltech

Political Education
As socialists we recognize that our society’s education system, mass media, and cultural norms are products of the existing capitalist order and serve to reproduce it in turn. Together they constitute a “common sense” that naturalizes competition, individualism, and social oppression; erases or distorts beyond recognition the history of our movement; and negates the very possibility of collective action. For us, political education is a continual process of overcoming this ideological indoctrination through both study and active struggle. Our political education work seeks to raise the political consciousness and theoretical understanding of SoC members and the Caltech community at large, in order to guide our organizing and practical action. At the same time, our organizing lends us new understanding to old texts and rich theoretical insights, given to us by generations of working class struggle from all over the world.
Discussion Group
The centerpiece of our political education activities is our wide-ranging series of discussion groups on particular topics, articles, and longer primary sources and theoretical texts. We’ve also organized a number of larger workshops oriented to the broader Caltech community, such as What is Socialism? in spring 2018, and look to host more in coordination with other working groups in the near future.
“For apart from inquiry, apart from the praxis, individuals cannot be truly human. Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other.“
– Paulo Freire
“The truth is very simple, but sometimes implementation of the truth–that’s where difficulty arises. The word is Constant. Political. Education. …Capitalism’s weakest point is the lies it tells. Our strongest point is the truth we tell.“
– Kwame Ture
“No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help set you free.”
– Assata Shakur
Current Projects and Discussions
- Incoming: India Farmer Movement discussion group (stay tuned!)
- Blood in My Eye discussion group as part of the Abolition Study Group (Fall 2021)
To get involved, please use the contact form at the bottom of the page.
Past Projects and Discussions
- Golden Gulag: Prisons, Surplus, Crisis, and Opposition in Globalizing California discussion group as part of the Abolition Study Group (Summer/Fall 2021)
- Concerning Violence discussion group as part of the Abolition Study Group (Summer 2021)
- City of Inmates discussion group as part of the Abolition Study Group (Spring/Summer 2021)
- How Europe Underdeveloped Africa discussion group as part of the Abolition Study Group (Winter 2021)
- Comuna Under Construction discussion group (February 2021)
- Are Prisons Obsolete discussion group as part of the Abolition Study Group (Fall 2020)
- Pedagogy of the Oppressed discussion group (Fall 2020)
- Intercommunalism discussion group (Oct 30, 2020)
- “The Party as Articulator” (Oct 6, 2020)
- The Wretched of the Earth discussion group as part of the Abolition Study Group (Summer 2020)
- Annihilation of Caste discussion group (Summer 2020)
- The End of Policing discussion group as part of the Abolition Study Group (Summer 2020)
- Capitalism and Disability discussion group (Summer 2020)
- Comrade discussion group (Spring 2020)
- Bernie Sanders (Feb 2, 2020)
- The Right to the City (Dec 2, 2019)
- Developments in Latin America (Nov 6, 2019)
- Defying repression, tens of thousands of Ecuadorians take part in national strike
- Ecuador After Correa
- Chile: Workers to Keep Pace With Mobilizations Over The Weekend
- Bolivia: Social Organizations Demand Respect for Popular Vote
- The Revolution Isn’t Being Televised
- Whitewashing neoliberal repression in Chile and Ecuador
- The Green New Deal (Oct 9, 2020)
- Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea
- Maunakea, Western Astronomy, and Hawai`i, Ellis Avallone
- Fight for the Future, Lou Cornam (Interview with Noelani Goodyear-Ka‘ōpua and J. Kēhaulani Kauanui)
- Protectors of Mauna Kea Are Fighting Colonialism, Not Science, Julianne Tveten
- Maunakea: Redirecting the lens onto the culture of mainstream science, Aurora Kagawa-Viviani
- The fight for Mauna Kea and the future of science, Sara Segura Kahanamoku
- Colliding Cosmologies: Cultural Conflicts and the Future of Astronomy on Mauna Kea (VIDEO), Salman Hameed
- Food and Agriculture (May 27, 2019)
- Imperialism in Africa (May 7, 2019)
- Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism in Africa [text]
- Thomas Sankara: “The Che of Africa” and Marxist Martyr
- What is Underdevelopment? [text]
- The Weapon of Theory [text]
- Indigenous Sovereignty and Decolonization (Ap 23, 2019)
- The Family Under Capitalism vs. Socialism (Apr 2, 2019)
- Social Reproduction Theory (Mar 8, 2019)
- Capitalism’s life source: the domestic and social basis for exploitation
- Social reproduction beyond intersectionality
- What is Social Reproduction Theory
- Mapping Social Reproduction Theory
- How Not To Skip Class: Social Reproduction of Labor and the Global Working Class
- Beyond Economism with Nancy Fraser
- The State and Revolution (Feb 21, 2019)
- Imperialism in Latin America (Feb 5, 2019)
- Reform or Revolution (Jan 22, 2019)
- LA Teachers’ Strike Discussion and Strategy (Jan 8, 2019)
- Free Palestine (Dec 11, 2018)
- Wage Labor and Capital (Nov 27, 2018)
- Ecosocialism (Nov 11, 2018)
- Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (Oct 23, 2018)
- Housing and The Right to the City (Oct 2, 2018)
- The Communist Manifesto (Sept 17, 2018)
- Biological Essentialism (Aug 28, 2018)
- Mental Health (Aug 14, 2018)
- Electoralism (July 20, 2018)
- Sexual Violence
- Universal Basic Income (May 29, 2018)
- The Value and Exercise of “Free Speech” (May 10, 2018)
- Imperialism and Syria (Apr 30, 2018)
- Financialization (Apr 16, 2018)
- Algorithms (Apr 2, 2018)
- Podcast with Cathy O’Neil introducing the topic and providing a framework for approaching algorithms
- Article about the ideological motivations of this trend and movements fighting against them.
- Bonus reading: ProPublica report on how algos are used in the criminal “justice” system to rate risk of recidivism and how it has racially biased outcomes.
- Liberalism vs. Leftism (Mar 19, 2018)
- Chinese Socialism (Nov 28, 2017)
- Gun Control (Nov 8, 2017)
- Russian Revolution (Oct 25, 2017)
- The Jacobin Guide to the February Revolution
- This super short section from wikipedia on the October Revolution for context
- This excerpt from Miéville’s October: Epilogue to a Revolution
- Science for the People (Oct 11, 2017)
- Prison Abolition and Criminal Justice (Aug 17, 2017)
- Healthcare (Jul 13, 2017)
- Jeremy Corbyn
- Ta-Nehisi Coates (?!)
- Venezuela (May 2018)
- The March for Science (May 4, 2017)
- Syria and Anti-Imperialism (April 20, 2017)
- History of Identity Politics
- Environmentalism and Socialism (Mar 23, 2017)
The Wretched of the Earth Capitalism and Disability Discussion Group A Heated and Friendly Discussion