Socialists of Caltech

Housing Working Group
ANNOUNCEMENT! The Pasadena Tenant Justice Coalition has submitted its Rent Control and Just Cause Eviction Protections ballot measure to the City of Pasadena. Signature gathering has begun and will continue until November 29th 2021. Please contact to join the signature gathering effort!
As is the case for most major cities in the US, Los Angeles is suffering a serious housing crisis—not because of a shortage of homes, but because of an exploitative system of housing ownership. Pasadena is no exception – 62% of Pasadena households are renters. Rents in Pasadena have gone up more than 50% in the last 6 years (with an increase of ~9.4% in the last year alone), leading to waves of gentrification, eviction and homelessness. Meanwhile, landlords and real estate developers are enjoying enormous profits by continuing to extract rent from working class tenants. The vast majority (88%) of Pasadena’s newly constructed rental housing stock is market rate/luxury units. As a result, Pasadena residents (including Caltech students and employees) are experiencing housing crises, longer commutes, fragmented communities, and homelessness. We recognize that these problems are directly linked to issues of racism, patriarchy, police, and environmental degradation – and that these are all inherently tied to capitalism.
Organizing Around Tenant Rights
As members of the Pasadena Tenants Union (PTU), we are working with our tenant neighbors in a collective class struggle for housing justice. Ultimately, we seek to abolish rent – the system by which owners of property extract money from tenants who of course need a roof over their head. Instead, we advocate for social ownership of housing, in the form of a public resource for all. Imagine: safe, sturdy, beautiful, community-oriented public housing.In its current form, this struggle is largely centered around the fight for rent-control and eviction protections. These fights become even more critical during the COVID-19 pandemic, as unemployed workers face mass debt, evictions, and homelessness. Currently, many SoC members are leading PTU’s campaign to bring rent-control and just-cause eviction to Pasadena, and were instrumental in writing the new ballot measure language. Aside from our involvement in this ongoing campaign, SoC members are active members of PTU – we organize tenant actions, counsel tenants in crisis, and provide Spanish language interpretation at our meetings. We view all these efforts not only as ways of achieving critical protections for our tenant class, but also as struggles with potential to politicize and organize a mass base of working-class people; from an apartment complex coming together in the face of eviction to a national movement demanding public housing.
“Competition permits the capitalist to deduct from the price of labour power that which the family earns from its own little garden or field; the workers are compelled to accept any piece wages offered to them, because otherwise they would get nothing at all, and they could not live from the products of their small-scale agriculture alone, and because, on the other hand, it is just this agriculture and landownership which chains them to the spot and prevents them from looking around for other employment.
– Friedrich Engels
“The final consequence is thus the abolition of the distinction between capitalist and landowner, so that there remain altogether only two classes of the population – the working class and the class of capitalists. This huckstering with landed property, the transformation of landed property into a commodity, constitutes the final overthrow of the old and the final establishment of the money aristocracy.“
– Karl Marx
“The ruthless economic exploitation and political oppression of the peasants by the landlord class forced them into numerous uprisings against its rule…. It was the class struggles of the peasants, the peasant uprisings and peasant wars that constituted the real motive force of historical development in Chinese feudal society.”
– Mao Zedong
Current Projects
- Organizing around tenant rights with the Pasadena Tenants Union (PTU). Join us at a Pasadena Tenants Union meeting, where we come together as renters to discuss tenant’s rights and our local organizing around these issues. Sign up for the PTU mailing list here to find out about meetings!
- Collect signatures for our rent-control petition (in 2021). We will need as many people as possible to gather the signatures needed to put rent control on the local ballot in Pasadena. No experience necessary – you’ll be paired up with an experienced signature gatherer! Get involved with the Pasadena Tenant Justice Coalition to join the effort!
- We also collaborate with the Los Angeles Tenants Union (LATU).
To get involved, please use the contact form at the bottom of the page.
Past Projects
- Wrote ballot measure and launched 2022 campaign for rent-control, with the Pasadena Tenant Justice Coalition.
- SASS talk at Caltech about housing justice (Nov 2019).
- Organized with PTU to secure an eviction moratorium in Pasadena (Oct 2019).
- Organized protests with the “Washington 16” — a group of families being evicted from their building (Summer 2019).
- Caltech workshop event about housing justice (Oct 2018).
- Collected signatures for Prop 10, a 2018 statewide ballot measure to legalize local rent-control in California.
- Collected signatures for 2018 local rent-control campaign, with the Pasadena Tenants Union.
Picketing landlord Richard Byrd’s house in support of the Washington 16 Pasadena City Council Meeting Outside Pasadena City Hall Success! Advocating for an eviction moratorium at City Council